Still Stuck?

So, you read the tips, used the theorems, but still can't figure anything out.  There are a few things that you can do to try to fix this (in descending order of usefulness):

1. Look over the puzzle and make sure you haven't missed anything really easy.  I can't tell you how many times this is the problem.

2. Try to use logical thinking rather than theorems.  I try to make my puzzles as interesting as possible, and this usually means making new ways of solving.  Look at areas that look like they might have something special to them.

3. You might have made a mistake somewhere.  Look to make sure you've followed the rules in all you did.  If you made something disobey a rule, there's commonly multiple solutions and you won't be able to solve anything until you fix it.  You may also have assumed something that's not true.  Look over the logic you've used very carefully and make sure everything makes sense.  If you find you can't prove something, erase it and keep on trying to solve.  (If a large section is solved, it probably is correct.  You probably only need to look at the edges of it to look for mistakes.)

4. If all else fails, bifurcate.  Just assume something and go ages down the road with it.  If you get stuck down that road, don't worry about it and try a different assumption.  Just make sure you can tell what's bifurcation and what isn't, so that you can erase everything when you figure out your original assumption was wrong.

If you still can't figure it out, feel free to email me at with your solution so far and I'll see if I can nudge you toward a solution.

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